Thursday, January 19, 2012

who are we

Dead parts of dead materials are made lively by living dead machines ,driven by the little intelligence of man not only they create new things but they create a new form of life. But this life has a vast impact on a previous form of life. The organic life, the life created by earth and sun, water and wind. That does not need an outside intelligence . but yes we called it cosmic, something we can't see but we can feel. its interesting that how these biochemical reactions work, but what will happen if we pollute everything, what if we forget understanding of love and life nature and emotions, roots and ropes . Its a fictional story but may represent past , present and future . so lets wait for the story . I hope it will be a novel .

Monday, January 16, 2012

a tree was standing on its ground it goes deep inside earth and earth let it go inside I want to understand that why soon tree grew up it forgot everything it was younge and bigger it thought it don't need ground now it talked to the brirds it wanted to fly now but noone could actually help him it shouted and requested not the ground that was gave him life was like a bondage he tried real hard but trees were not mobile it requested gods please give me power enough so that i can't walk the tree wants to walk why nature is so cruel why does it not let it why my eyes are still sleepy I don't feel very good writing it, don't know what to do curious and confused exploited and used here i was sitting on my desk alone no1 to talk no1 to share i asked for love but no one care seems like an old story still alone unloved emotional many thoughs in my head nothing seems rational finally i'm writing whats in my head .