Thursday, June 24, 2010

5 Minutes

Yesterday i met with a beautiful girl
her tempt face was glossy as a pearl ,
Superlative was that she had no proud
to me she was like a desert's cloud ,
I went to her and talk for a while
she gave me back her cryptic smile
She walked beside me & her smile was saying
"I really like you but I'm not laying"
I wish she had tried to know me better
I don't know how she knew me alter
I adjudicated more than limits for her
But she could not see my tear's ler
she was ready to talk with all the nuts
but does not give me our 5 minutes

मेरी खुशी ले गये तुम

मेरी हंसी ले गये तुम, मेरी खुशी ले गये तुम
मेरा सब कुछ लेकर ये बेवसी दे गये तुम
उफ तु बेवसी चेहरे पर चढ़ाई
नस नस में उतर राही
क्या खता हुयी हमसे
जो मेरे होठों की हांसी ले गये तुम

मेरे इन होठों मुस्कराने दो,
थोडा तौ करीब आने दो;
प्यारे से इन होठों को छू जाने दो,
मेरी इन आँखों को सपने दिखाने वाला
मुझे सामान्य मनुष्य बनाने वाला
आज खुद पत्थर बन गये तुम

क्या संबंध खून का जना होता हैं
क्या यह ज़रूरतौ से बाना होता हैं;
यह तौ भावनाओं से साना होता हैं ..
प्रेम का जना होता हैं
यह TABHI DIKHTA हैं जब कुहरा घाना होता हैं ..
मुझे रास्ता दिखाने घाटी आज खुद भटक गये तुम

मेरी हंसी ले गये तुम, मेरी खुशी ले गये तुम

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Beautiful Twilight

As sagging sun is going down and
surroundings are moving towards twilight ,
I can see an unseen painting of nature
with a rainbow on the ridge
blessed with your
Monalisa smile ;...

I can see
the gleeful equanimity in pacific eyes
the natural artificiality of parlor eyebrows
the utter jest from ridge of the nose
the blunt shadow on the precious face
and therefore the stupid sun
who's also her gracious playmate
is trying to color her hairs in red
& I'm just watching her grin
in the hope of a genuine friendship